Irene Adorni is an artist and curator whose practice explores the relationship between bodies in space and the incorporeal conditions of corporeality. Her work, rooted in philosophical research influenced by contemporary thinkers such as Elizabeth Grosz, Brian Massumi, and Karen Barad, investigates the overcoming of the body-mind dualism and the transformative possibilities that emerge from the encounter between bodies. Through immersive installations that combine sound, language, and images, Adorni places movement and audience interaction at the core of the work itself.
For Adorni, there is no clear distinction between artistic and curatorial research; they are two sides of the same coin, both aimed at dismantling the separations imposed by Western thought. Convinced that dualisms, logical divisions, and technical boundaries are among the main epistemological obstacles of contemporary thinking, she develops a practice that traverses languages and contexts without hierarchies, experimenting with exhibition, performative, and installation formats where theory and sensory experience intertwine.
Since 2020, she has been expanding this research through Parsec, an artist-run space founded in Bologna, where she explores the transformative potential of making art within a collective dimension. Here, she constructs dispositifs that activate bodies, images, and thought in non-linear forms, in constant dialogue with the context in which they unfold.